Should you Buy a House that was Used for a Grow Op?

  It’s a sad sign of the times, but these days it’s fairly common for a house that was used for a marijuana grow op or a meth lab to come up for sale. Grow op houses usually sell for 25% to 35% less than market value for a comparable house. But, is it worth the money...

Protecting Your Home When you Head South for the Winter

  If you’re jetting off to warmer climes for the winter or for an extended vacation, there are some things that you need to do to keep your home safe while you’re away. Get Your Insurance in Order First of all, check with your insurance agent to ensure that your...

Protecting Your Home from Old Man Winter

With winter upon us, it’s important to take steps to protect your home from Calgary’s sometimes wild winter weather. Make sure your windows and doors are sealed. Not only will you stay warmer in your house, you’ll save a lot of money on heating costs. Check for drafts...

Tips for Selling Your House During the Winter

Winter isn’t the ideal time to sell a house but sometimes you have no choice. There are actually some advantages to selling a house during the winter – less competition for one. There’s also less of a buying and selling frenzy so you have more time to consider offers....

Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Buying your first house can be a daunting task. There are lots of things that you have to think about that you never had to worry about when you were a renter. There are a lot of steps, and so many decisions to make. There can also be surprises like extra costs that...