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Three Tips to Make your Home Feel More Luxurious

There’s nothing like coming home to your dream home. The luxury home business is a very exciting field to work in because you are able to unite families with their perfect home. However, not everyone can afford a luxury house. Here are some tips to make a more ordinary home feel extraordinary. Bigger is Better. One of the main features a luxury home has over the average suburban house is space. High ceilings and sprawling floor plans are generally a must have. You can help achieve this look in your own house by painting small trims the same colour as the wall. Large carpets where the furniture rests at least two legs on the rug will help make a room feel grander and well organized. Use large pieces of artwork as a focus point on the far wall from the door or entrance. This will help make the space feel bigger.  Lighting is Everything. Instead of relying on over hanging lights, use lamps and lighting from many different levels and origins. Make sure your windows are letting in sunshine and invest in a couple cute table lamps for the coffee table or the side tables by the couch! Long curtains that […]

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Holiday Decorating Traditions

When it comes to decorating and getting in a holiday mood, it’s easy to envy the people that it comes easy too. During childhood, handmade wisemen would take the long journey from one end of the house to the other and there was magic in the movement. European friends, celebrating the feast of Saint Nicholas, would have little oranges and chocolate coins on the 6th, and other friends would have the most beautiful candles set up and a Hanukkah bush that was similar to our own tree but different and interesting and new. I’m not sure what other people do to celebrate this season and what traditions come with Kwanzaa, Midwinter, etc, but I thought I’d share a couple common decorating choices and how they’re represented in a different traditions as well as a little history behind them. The Tree. While now a days most people see an evergreen set up in the living room and assume it’s a christmas tree, there are actually many traditions that use a tree. The Hanukkah bush that I mentioned earlier is just one of them. The use of evergreens as a symbol of eternal life can be traced back to ancient Egypt. In […]

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Backyards for Your Luxury Home

You may have read my blog the other week discussing the advantages of luxury lofts. One of the best things about a luxury loft was having a luxurious retreat in an urban city centre. However, lofts and deep inner city living isn’t for everyone. Many luxury homeowners have kids or grandkids. Others enjoy the extra space or gardening. Whatever your reason, some feel that a luxury home is just not complete without a backyard to match. Not sure how to make your backyard feel like an outdoor oasis? Here are a few ideas! Custom Pools Calgary summers are hot, but public pools are loud, dirty, and crowded. A custom pool provides a beautiful place to keep cool without having to face traffic or deal with busy change spaces. These luxury pools often have waterfalls and other fixtures; even when not in use, they provide the relaxing sound of moving water and are attractive additions to any property. Outdoor Living Space A must of luxury backyards, outdoor living spaces often include seating areas and gourmet kitchens centered around state of the art barbecues. Comfort and convenience are key when creating any outdoor living space so remember to take care when purchasing […]

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Luxury Lofts

When most people think about buying luxury property, often big is one of the first qualifiers. It makes sense, many luxury homes are large and have large estates. This is especially true for homes on acreages and outside of the city limits. But not all luxury homes are a few thousand square feet. Highly functional, luxury lofts are beginning to take a fair share of the market. These compact homes provide a great location usually in the heart of downtown, and provide many of the same features you have come to expect from larger luxury homes. But what can you really expect when you purchase a luxury loft? Open and Spacious. Luxury lofts use oversized windows, high ceilings, and numerous light fixtures to make the entire loft feel open and spacious. Many luxury lofts will also take advantage of skylights. Some of these apartments may be under 1000 square feet, but you’d never know without taking a tape measure to the floor! And just as many lofts are available well over 3000 square feet! Which ever size appeals to you, you can expect that the same walk in closets and large bathrooms (and ensuite!) that you expect in any luxury […]

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To Buy New or to Renovate? That is the Question.

When your home isn’t quite meeting your needs or when the market simply isn’t offering what you’re looking for, homeowners are often left with this question. It can be hard to decide whether buying a brand new lot, bulldozing and starting from scratch or renovating an older property is better. I understand that it can be stressful to try and make the best decision, so here are a couple ideas that may make deciding easier. Why are you considering bulldozing and rebuilding anyways? Do you love the home’s location? This is a good reason to pick one lot or home over another. If your friends and family are nearby, if you enjoy the amenities and shopping, if you love the way the neighborhood looks and feels, then it might make a lot of sense to buy or stay in that location. Be sure to confirm with your realtor that the location is likely to see an increase in value, and from there it’s just a matter of balancing the books. How much will building the home you want cost? How much will renovating be? The costs are surprisingly similar most times, and if you’re planning many structural changes, starting fresh […]

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Urban or Suburban?

Whether you’ve lived in Calgary all you life or are moving to the city for the first time, there are certain questions that you need to ask yourself as you get ready to buy a home. Do you want a new home or do you want to buy a house that’s already built? How much room do you need now and in the future? Do you prefer urban living or would prefer a home in the suburbs? That is the question of today’s blog. Urban living is fantastic – especially for young professionals. Often you’re closer to work; you may even be able to walk to work! Every possible amenity – from specialty shops, to restaurants of any kind, to orthodontists – is within walking distance of an urban home. These established neighbourhoods are often nicer looking than new suburbs. The trees have matured and the architecture can be stunning. Suburban homes on the other hand often look like every other home on their block. Urban living also offers an option to live car free. In Calgary, the suburban transit is terrible in many areas. Buses don’t come often enough and are rarely on time. The c-train and urban bus […]

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The Dangers of Impatience and Fear in Investments.

Real estate can be really expensive. Often a new property comes with new debt, and this can make people impatient to sell their old home and anxious when it takes longer than a few months. Fears of being stuck with two homes can lead individuals to sign on with companies who guarantee to see their home in 90 days. This works through a service known as inducement. Basically, the company guarantees that if no one buys the home within 90 days, they (the company) will purchase it themselves. This may sound like a really great deal and many people are interested in this sort of service because they’re worried about the debt or being responsible for two properties. However, like most things that sound almost too good to be true, inducement is not nearly as good as you may be lead to believe. This is because the companies providing this service aren’t interested in their clients best interests. While, after the 90 day period is over the company will make an offer as promised, it is usually so far below market value that most people refuse to accept. This puts many homeowners in a difficult position. They will not allow […]

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Commission and Value in the Luxury Real Estate Industry

You may be surprised by the number of realtors who won’t discuss their commission over the phone. This is especially true in the luxury real estate industry. This isn’t because we feel our commission is too high or the value too low – quite the contrary. We’d rather meet with potential clients in person so that they understand the value of working with us before judging it against the cost. It’s often interesting to see how many people understand the added value in buying a more expensive house, but don’t realize the added value of hiring a more expensive real estate agent. Hopefully this blog will help explain a little better how a luxury real estate realtor benefits you. Networking. If you’re brand new to the luxury real estate market, you may not have noticed that there are very few luxury homes listed in the MLS. If you have noticed, you may have chalked it up to the market just being very niche and small. It isn’t. Many luxury home owners simply don’t want to list on an MLS. They take their privacy very seriously, and would prefer to work with their realtor and network to find serious potential buyers […]

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Is Fall a Good Time to be Buying or Selling a House?

By fall, many people want to be moved in already. Because of that, many people buy and sell their homes in summer. After all, families want their kids to have time to make friends, and they want a little time to relax before the hectic school year begins. You may feel this means that the window has closed, and you missed your chance, but this is not true. Autumn may not be the busiest time to sell or buy your new dream home, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good option. Less Competition. With 40-50% of house sales being done in summer, there is simply less competition in the fall market. This means buyers and sellers can take their time waiting for a better offer and that prices may be more affordable. While this means your home may not benefit from bloated prices, it also means that the houses you’re looking at buying are less expensive. Combining this with buying a home other people may steer away from such as a previous grow-op, and you may be able to afford a home in a neighbourhood you never dreamed of! More Flexible Sellers. In the summer, it’s very difficult to […]

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