Blog Archives

What’s In a Name?

What’s in a name?  Great question.  Many people wonder what is in a name when choosing a real estate company.  Usually the name of a brokerage really doesn’t matter.  It comes down to the real estate associate that represents you.  You want someone that treats you well, that you get along with, and someone that is on top of their game.  This is terrific advice and you should heed it! Until I started working with Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, I used to ask “what’s in a name?”.  The Sotheby’s name goes above and beyond.  The brand itself is one of prestige and excellence.  Having been strictly and auction house to prestigious clientele since 1744, Sotheby’s recognized that they could further represent clients in the sale of their homes and further the exceptional experience that is Sotheby’s.  In 1976 Sotheby’s International Realty was born.  Being a Sotheby’s client means having exposure to a huge in house worldwide referral market.  This is because Sotheby’s Realtors don’t get caught up in furthering their personal name and brand like other Realtors.  Sotheby’s is all the branding required and it is because of this branding that brings buyers to Sotheby’s properties.  What’s in a name?  A […]

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The Benefits of Home Staging

Most of us that are selling our home understand the concept of de-cluttering and de-personalizing a space.  We also likely feel that the position of our furniture is just fine.  It never hurts to get a set of fresh eyes on your space.  A home stager can add many benefits in affecting a timely sale. Many people make a judgement about your home within the first 30 – 60 seconds upon entering it.  You want to make a great impression immediately to hold their attention and create warm feelings about your home.  Real estate is emotional for most of us!  Whether your home is vacant and void of furniture or you are currently residing in the home, a home stager can help. Staged homes sell an average of 30% – 50% faster than non-staged homes.  Remember, the longer a home is on the market, buyers will expect a price reduction.  You don’t want buyers wondering what is wrong with your home when it has been on the market for a long period of time.  I consider the first 30 days a critical time period in selling any home! Staged homes give the appearance of being well maintained.  Most of us […]

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Adding Value Through Renovations

Renovations can do wonders for your home in terms of adding interest and value.  Here are some good places to put your money when considering renovations in preparation for a sale.  Inexpensive fixes such as paint, contemporary window coverings, and new hardware on doors, windows and cabinets are great ways to spruce up your home without breaking the bank.  These minor fixes can net you over 100% on your investment if done right. Kitchens can be costly renovations.  Try to appeal to the masses when doing this type of a renovation.  Granite and quartz counter tops are sought after by many buyers.  Stainless steel appliances are also appealing to buyers.  Plan your kitchen renovation right and try to include as much counter space as possible. Bathrooms are another great place to invest.  A bathroom update can get you 75% – 100% back through a purchase if planned properly.  Again, try to appeal to the majority of buyers. Energy efficiency is very important to people.  Loss of energy is costly and wasteful.  We are a more conscious society now, so consider energy efficient appliances, furnaces, water heaters, and updating your attic insulation as well as any voids in the insulation in […]

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Features Outside of Your Home

There is always a lot of competition when it comes to selling your home.  Of course you want to make it look it’s best so it shows well.  Part of the selling process involves stating your home’s features.  Yes, you want to include the granite counter tops, the park-like backyard with large private deck, so on and so forth.  Don’t forget to sell your neighborhood and your home’s position in that neighborhood. Perhaps you have a terrific view out your living room window.  Maybe there is a school very close by or a park with a great playground.  These can be great features to a family with small children.  Maybe you are close to shopping.  These are all features outside of your home that help to market and sell your home! So when you and your Realtor list your home’s features.  Think outside of the box, or at least outside of the walls and property line of your home!  Thanks for reading! By Patrick Murray Join me on Google+

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Is a Low Offer a Good Idea?

You are house shopping and you’ve found the one you want.  The price is likely reasonable.  If it’s the one for you then you likely see the value.  Human nature being what it is, you want to get the home for less than it is listed.  No, you want to get it for a lot less than it is listed! Is putting in a low offer a good idea?  Hopefully your Realtor will properly counsel you as to what is an acceptable offer.  Also, the property you are interested in is likely represented by a Realtor whom has performed their due diligence and has therefore come up with a price that is market worthy.  Your low ball offer may not be very well received.  In fact, some sellers are so insulted by a low offer that they may not respond at all to your offer.  You also have to weigh the chance that another buyer may be offering on the property in the meantime.  If their offer is better than yours guess what?  They are not entertaining your offer.  A low offer is always a risk.  People forget that you can’t get a good steak for the cost of a […]

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The Purpose of a Home Inspection

A home inspection is an integral part of your due diligence as a buyer.  I strongly recommend to all of my clients that they put in a home inspection as a condition of a sale.  If they refuse then I ask that they sign a document recognizing that I recommended it and they declined.  You can already get a feeling of a home inspection’s importance. It’s not simply enough to get a home inspection.  You want to get a good home inspection.  You get what you pay for in almost everything and it’s true in this regard as well.  The home inspection company I recommend charges around $600.00 per inspection, but they are thorough.  Clients have occasionally insisted on using their own much less expensive inspector and have paid the price with a missed problem that likely should have been noted.  Now a home inspection does not eliminate risk, but a prudent inspector will greatly reduce that risk on your behalf!  I don’t want my clients to knowingly buy a lemon.  I want them to be fully informed.  What they do with that information is up to them.  I am more than happy to offer advice or at least to point […]

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Dower Consent and Real Estate

Dower Consent.  Sounds like something from the dark ages, but in the Province of Alberta it is an important document relating to the Dower Consent Act and has to do with another party foregoing their right to a property and therefore, not impeding the sale of said property.  In fact, Alberta is the only province in Canada with a Dower Act. When a client wants to sell a property I pull Title to see if they are indeed the legal owners of the property.  If I only see one name on Title I must ask two questions of this individual:  1.  Are you legally married?  2.  If yes, have either you or your spouse resided on the property at any time since your marriage?  If the answer to both questions is yes, then a Dower Consent and Acknowledgement must be signed in front of a Commissioner of Oaths by the unnamed spouse.  It must be signed at the time the property is listed and another one must be signed again at the time of an accepted sale.  This act includes a separated couple not yet legally divorced, but does not include a couple in a common law relationship. What does “reside” mean?  If the individual on Title or the […]

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What is a Title?

What is a Title?  In the Province of Alberta a title is a document kept at the Alberta Land Titles department.  It stipulates the party or parties that own a specific property and therefore have the right to sell said property.   It tells you the date the property was registered and is accompanied by a registration number. A title also stipulates the municipal address of the property as well as the legal address usually noted as Lot, Plan, and Block for urban properties. Title also shows any registered instruments on the property.  These might include covenants and caveats with the property and these will flow with the Title from owner to owner.  A covenant might be something such as a restriction on what type of shingles can be used within a certain neighborhood.  A caveat might include a water line on your property in which the city may require access, for example.  We also find other registered instruments here such as any mortgages on the property, a party claiming an interest in the property (a lien), or something called a Lis Pendens (Latin for litigation pending).  A contractual obligation of the purchase contract is that the seller must provide the buyer with free and clear Title.  Mortgages are […]

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Pre-Home Inspections

Most of the time a purchaser will require a home inspection of your property as a condition of the purchase contract to make sure there are no major issues with the home.  Have you ever heard of a pre-home inspection?  This is a home inspection done at the seller’s request in order to make sure there are no major issues with the home prior to selling.  There are pros and cons to having this done. First off, it’s a great way to avoid surprises when the purchaser has their home inspection performed.  Hopefully you can rest confident that there are no major issues that will impede the sale or at least you have already looked after all major issues.  If your inspection renders an issue that is expensive to remedy, dangerous for the occupants, or is an issue for which a regulatory body such as the city has said you must remediate, then you now have what is called a material latent defect.  Purchasers have a right to know about all material latent defects for the home they wish to purchase.  If you do not remedy any of these issues, you must disclose them.  This could affect your asking price.  If you do remedy the issue, it […]

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